Saturday, October 02, 2010

Slink Inked.

So last Monday, I paid someone some of my hard earned squids to stick an inky needle in my back. Loads. It hurt at times but I'm really pleased with the result. I was even commended on my bravery by two of the tatooists... especially for a first timer like me, but credit has to be given to my good friend Mark for coming with me for support and talking to me for an hour to keep my mind off things.

It's healing nicely and I have to go back in 3 weeks to have a check up and a touch up if required. Woop.


Markuuus said...

I must admit it being "inked" didnt look as bad as people make out, but then maybe thats the pirate in you making it look easy lol :P

ktpland said...

love it! you brave thing. i wasn't happy when they were doing my foot one, hurt so much more than the others! not a place i'd recommend! x