Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Small Victory.

In other news...

I fought Royal Mail and I won.

They stopped short at an admission of utter incompetence, theft and vandalism and technically still owe me £3.03... but I got MOST of my compensation after a ridiculously drawn out battle.

I stand, tenacious and satisfied that justice, on this occasion, was done.

Screw you Royal Mail.

May the Force be with you.

Russell Brand on England Riots

A brilliantly eloquent and thought provoking article by Russell Brand on the England Riots.

And now this...
Cameron Hates Police

Even Theresa May has praised Police handling of the Riots... or she did on day one or two. I'm pretty sure Cameron has got to her since and told her to change her slant to outright critisicm so they can follow through with their shamefully unfair budget cuts.

It's clear as day that Cameron is as anti-police as some of the Rioters. He's done nothing but criticise the Police and I've heard some frankly ludicrous quotes over the last few days which clearly show him to be a clueless and stubborn. The worst was whinging over getting Police Officers "out from their desk jobs in HR and back office and back on the streets". Show me ONE Officer who works in HR. He hasn't got the faintest idea what back office jobs even do let alone make comments about them. I heard him say "certain jobs can be civilianised" to ensure front line policing isn't affected. " David, you fuckwit, it's civillian jobs you've already targeted as pointless and have cut already. You cut back office, SOMEONE still has to do the work- if you've only got Officers left- then that's who's got to do it.

Theresa May calling for cancellation of Police leave? This is impossible. She cannot call for cancellation of leave. Rest days were cancelled long before she "cancelled leave". NO annual leave has been cancelled. BIG mistake from May here as cancellation of annual leave would be a clear failure of Policing staffing levels and an open admission that there aren't enough Officers to Police communities.

My prediciton- this is going to get ugly, politically ugly. The public, by and large from what I've heard, have praised the Police work over the last week. It's Cameron who will try and change that. Politicians did nothing, other than fly back home through this. The Police brought order back- not the government. Concerns are now fully focussed on Police work, resources and budgets and whilst this is a good thing, I know Cameron will stick to his guns and push forward with his devastating plans if only because he doesn't want to do a U-turn. They've fucked up here, and I hope the public don't fall for his "I waded back from my hols and sorted this out" shit he's trying to spin. It doesn't wash with me and it won't with most intelligent people.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011



We knew it was coming... but it's still shocking to see the state of cities across England right now.

Witnessing the dedicated, hard work of the emergency services amidst the low morale, countless media attacks and the determination of the Tory government to break up their livelihoods, pensions and jobs- I've become more determined to stamp out the Tories from Government for the rest of my days. I've been proud to see a great deal of bravery and an amazing attitude at work over the past week.

All this was predicted months ago by politicians and Police forces alike. Ignored. Our forces are stretched already. If these riots are repeated next year we're royally screwed for dealing with it. Even the Army, who will have to step in as replacement will be significantly decreased. I'm reassured to see Boris Johnson asking for a review of the impending Police cuts- though I have little faith in the Tories to see sense. I predict they will take no accountability for this. This criminality would NOT have happened as a matter of course... this criminality was not a result of a shooting alone. Disorder has spread becuase this country is shattered and vulnerable, weakened by a catalogue of heavy handed, poor decisions by a clueless, misguided Government.

I'm saddened to see the streets I walk through, used to work nearby, the shops I shop in... reduced to crumbled wrecks, trashed by ignorant scum. More saddened though to see the hard work of my friends and colleagues getting slated. They're damned if they do, damned if they don't.

I do not condone these riots and I have sympathy for the many innocent lives, businesses and people affected by these attrocities... but I can't help a tiny, niggling feeling that as a soceity, perhaps more so the Government ... deserve this. The anger, the hopelessness, the cuts. I can only hope it's a wake up call to the Government that they've fucked up. They took too much, from too many, too soon. This has highlighted how precious the emergency services are, how brave our police are and just how much we rely on them to protect us from harm. Without them, particularly in Birmingham, where my friends and colleagues have bravely and robustly confronted this disorder, the damage and impact would have been far far worse. We're facing that very problem if these cuts go ahead.

About the scum: They've proven they're worth. They've shown their scutty little loot laden hands and faces and laughed in the faces of the honest and law-abiding. Our Government can't even come down hard on them because they don't have the money or resources for the justice that will be expected. Human Rights laws need to be changed in this country to protect victims. Police have to be allowed to do their jobs, use force, reclaim the authority which has been taken away from them by consecutive failures of Governments and a frankly pathetic Media.

Cameron, finally back from his holiday, a commodity many people in this country who have lost their jobs can no longer afford, said "we need more police on the streets". Yes David, Yes we do.
Wake up. Strap on a pair and sort this mess out.

Mr Cameron, who has been visiting the West Midlands Police Command and Control
Centre in Birmingham, adds: "I know that the police here in Birmingham, here in
the West Midlands, are working night and day to get to the bottom of what
happened and bring the perpetrators to justice.

"We rely on the police
to keep our communities, to keep our country, to keep our shops and homes safe.
They need our support in doing that job."
From the BBC news website

Police employees will find this a bitter pill to swallow. The Tories do NOT support the Police. Their cuts threaten the ethos and values held by each Force. If, as a voter, you support your Police... If as a tax payer you want to be protected and feel safe in your community, then get behind your Police and lobby AGAINST cuts to your Force.

Thursday, August 04, 2011


My Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday.

I find it surreal, frightening and completely unfair.

People keep saying she'll be okay, that treatments are so much better now, but it's still cancer. It's a killer, it can spread... and as much as every bone in my body doesn't want this to be reality, the truth is it's something that can kill and I don't want to my Mum to die. For the first time, my Mum not being around is a very real possibility no matter how remote. I'm not being pessimistic... I just need to talk about what is frightening me about this the most. I can't really say it out loud.

I've read as much as I can about it... not that I took all of it in. This thing hasn't just invaded my Mum, but our family. What keeps making me cry at the moment is the very fact that she doesn't deserve this. I guess that's a very normal thing to feel. She'll get through this, I keep telling myself ... but she'll have to go through hell and back and it's not fucking fair.

My Mum's been told she's got to have a mastectomy. This is something I can barely even comprehend having to go through. The prognosis isn't terrible, it's all going to unfold at a slow and steady pace no doubt and she should have had her op by September, but I'm still scared of all this. I just don't want this to be the case. I hate that this has happened to someone I love so much... and there's not an awful lot I can do to help either. No matter what I say or do... I can't share what she's going to have to feel- emotionally or physically. If it meant her not having to- I would.

The other day I was bitching about Royal Mail, excited about some new shoes, wanting to go out to my favorite rock club and now it all just seems so fucking stupid. Trivial, menial things that don't matter.

This just isn't fair. I just want her to be okay.