So lately, my dreams have been coming true. Well, I say they've been coming true... but more they've been kinda predicting things that happen the next day. Well I say predicting... but more like something is seen or heard and it kinda reminds me of my dream.
yeah maybe that's not so amazing.
But anyway, so the other night I dreamt I found this really tiny puppy and was walking home with it while it ran around my feet. A woman shouted at me for not having it on a special lead and I called her a bitch for it. I don't remember much more than that... but the very next morning (in real life now), I was watching Will & Grace or something on TV and one of the characters goes and pulls out this puppy from a bag, and holy crap it's only the same flippin puppy from my dream. It was sort of half poodle and the exact size of the one in my dream. I nearly choked on my breakfast, which incidentally was easter egg chocolate.
Similarly, about a week ago I dreamt that I was getting bullied and harassed by these people and no one would believe me enough to back me up... and a few days later- Niall's family start being all wierd and Niall and I argued because I didn't feel like he backed me up.
It's strange. Perhaps the months of no sleep have reinforced how powerful are.
Who knows what will happen next. Certain people better watch out... I frequently kick ass in my dreams, and I also tend to run around alot. Maybe that's why I've been so tired.
More to come on this matter as it goes under investigation.