Monday, May 22, 2006

Day Off

Today I have:

  • Washed the grease covered pots and pans that Niall left from cooking Sunday dinner yesterday.
  • Cleaned the kitchen thoroughly, again after Niall's cooking, and also out of fear of deadly diseases. Including the oven which had unidentifiable purple stuff on it.
  • Cleaned and swept the kitchen floor.
  • Made an anniversary card for my parents, and a birthday card for my brother.
  • Repotted two baby houseplants and one cactus.

And it's only lunchtime.

This afternoon, I aim to start planning/painting the canvases to decorate the flat with. And/or start to paint the octopus that I modelled last week. I also need to think of what to cook for tea.

Ah, I love days off.

1 comment:

Saki said...

Slink, you should come do stuff to my kitchen too!! :) Oh, if i only had your ambition