Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Too Much Sugar.

At present, our flat houses the following:

  • A still intact 5kg bar of Dairy Milk from my birthday - 5kg
  • Creme Egg Eater Egg with two creme eggs x2 - (195g each) 390g
  • Flake Easter Egg with two flakes x2 - (185g each) 370g
  • Celebrations Easter Egg - 189g
  • Dairy Milk Egg with two Dairy Milk bars- 215g
  • A box of Thorntons chocolates- 335g
  • A Myrtle Moo chocolate cow- 230g
  • Two Milk chocolate ducks- (45g each) 90g

Which totals 6.819 kg.

If we take away an average of 75g per egg for packaging, a total of 500g

We're left with 6.319kg of chocolate.

That's alot. Even by my standards.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Stuff Matters

Well while some tri-hards would say that my mundane life is nothing to blog about, I'm quite content with using this blog as my own space to say what the hell I want. I don't aim to collect friends or appear 'intelligent', or impress people with lifeless attempts at being some sort of reporter for the masses. It's my space for me. I write about whatever comes up.. the things that are important to me, the things that I'm bored with, the things that matter, the things that don't but the things that make up the day to day. I expect that anyone reading this either cares about me and my life, or they're here by accident... and I couldn't care less if you're thrilled or bored because this blog is about me. Deal with it. There's plenty more shit out there... I couldn't care less what some random person thinks I should be listening to or looking at or doing with my time, I'll make up my own mind thanks. I guess I'm not cocky enough to assume my opinion matters to anyone but me.


if you don't want to hear about the stuff that makes up real life.. MY life for that matter... ignore the following pictures of my little gecko. Who I happen to think is awesome and beats some hand-me-down crap about what we should all be listening to; Which if you have any taste will be NIN. ;-)


My Violent Heart

You and I, we may look the same
But we are very far apart
There's bullet holes where my compassion used to be
and there is violence in my heart
Into fire you can send us
From the fire we return
You can label us a consequence of how much you have to learn
I don't know why I get so angry. Well actually I do... I know exactly why... because I can pinpoint the feelings, the rising, the actual moment it all started and I was introduced to a new level of hatred and hurt... but still so angry? I think a part of me doesn't want to let it go. There's protection there; as long as it's there, there's distance and with distance is protection.
And that's how it's staying for some time. I'm not forcing it away becasue I have a right to this anger.
There are other people I'm still angry at. A lesser anger that I'm happy with. I'm angry at the lack of care. I pity you in many ways. I'm not sorry for you though. I'm not sorry for anything because it was all you. And I don't think you realise the damage really, you don't care enough to. That's okay. This anger doesn't amount to anything really... not unless I think about it a great great deal. But that would be pointless. I just don't feel you're a friend anymore. A distant nothing is all you are.
Thank god there are songs that touch this part of me and connect with it enough to just burn it back for a bit. Singe the edges and keep it at bay... make it okay. Breathe.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007



Well we've had Gizmo just over a week now. He's eating a little better and seems to be getting a bit more active at night which I'm taking a sign to mean he's settling in well. At the weekend we made him a moist hide out of an old plastic container and he loves it; he's slept in there pretty much since we put it in! I've taken some more pictures but obviously they're all red because of his red heat bulb.