Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Too Cold to Create.

Currently Listening to: Bob Marley

... which doesn't feel right when it's freezing cold both inside and out. It's the kind of music which really doesn't suit cold, stark, grey days; a bit like the Red Hot Chilli Peppers who seem to hibernate over the colder months only to re-appear every summer without fail.

I am officially too cold to create stuff today.

It must be about 3 degrees out today and probably not much warmer in this bloody igloo of a house either. I'm meant to be working on a commission but my hand's are too cold to work with the clay. The light is now dimming to since it's nearly four o'clock so not only will I be freezing cold, but unable to see as well.

That said, the most productive thing I have done today is: Clean the bathroom- and I didn't even do that properly because I didn't mop the floor.

Ah well, it is a wednesday. Wednesdays are always a bit rubbish aren't they?

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