Wednesday, November 04, 2009

On Candystripe legs...

(That's a quote from The Cure by the way).

It smells like Autumn. You can see more of the sky because there are no leaves left on the trees. It's fresh and crisp. I like it.

It's Bonfire night tomorrow. After that, it's officially christmas. Woop!

I have a total of 1 Christmas present bought so far. Not a flying start I admit, but it's a start. I know what christmas tree theme I'm having this year- Candystripe on my black tree. Tim Burton is going to bow to my fantastic candy stripe christmas tree. I have no decorations yet but I can already see how awesome it's going to be in my head. All will bask in it's glory. Well, I will anyway. I will be wrapping my presents to match of course as is the Slink quality standard.

In other, less stripey news, I have immersed myself in the familiar and comforting smell of Polymer clay fumes today. I've used some rare time off work to do what I love most... mess about with clay. I've missed just about everything about it... apart from how washing your hands every 20 minutes completely destroys your skin.

Ah well. It's good to be back. :-)

1 comment:

ktpland said...

wanna see a pic of your tree! is it up and decorated yet? x