This government and their politics prove on a daily basis that they are the very antithesis of everything I believe and stand for. Just when I think they can't possibly rile me anymore, this happens:
Now, firstly, this man is our health secretary. This is a man who believes in homeopathy and tried to ban Danny Boyle from his NHS tribute at the Olympic opening ceremony, presumably because he didn't want the Plebs and peasants realising how valuable it was before he starts privatising it all.
This utter knob is now wading into a debate into abortion. Hmm, yes, lets have a Conservative MALE make decisions about womens rights and womens bodies, based on very very little scientific argument at all to boot.
The womens secretary is laughable too- or it would be, if the absolute horror of the situation wasn't apparant: Maria Miller- A "Modern Feminist". Er, no. Simply put- Fucking hell no.
This government is going to fail just about every single faction of soceity not born into huge inheritances or isn't a multi-billion-tax-avoiding corporation. It's time to stop whining about who started this and stop falling back on labour bashing because you can't accept YOUR governments failures. These hateful, frankly useless, elitist idiots who have no respect for the hard working members of soceity who put them all to shame, NEED. TO. GO.
Failing on EVERY single level of their shoddy plans at making cuts and rebuilding the country.
Failing to reduce public sector spending.
Destroying our public services.
Degrading, privatising, publicly disrespecting and dissolving the Police service.
Making vast quantities of people redundant, unemployment sky high.
Removal of key benefits and a failure to get a grasp on a decent benefits system for people who actually deserve it.
Not addressing tax avoidance by huge companies and corporations including banks.
Reducing services, with little payback for those of us paying for it.
No growth.
No help for small business and start ups.
Women paying the largest prices in terms of unemployment and benefits cuts.
Failed, corrupt rail bids on important services- costing the tax payer 40bn.
.... the failures are absolutely endless.
It's not good for my health, my blood pressure or my stress levels. I've been angry pretty much throughout their victorian-esque rule and I'm sick of it. They're plan hasn't even worked - all fears and concerns are realised DAILY. Unless of course, their plan is to segregate soceity and widen the gap between rich and poor- that they have fulfilled wonderfully. Worse yet, the full extent of damage from their incompetence won't be seen for another 3-5 years and it frankly scares me.
And now they're launching an attack on something else that's very important to me- Womens rights. Deep breaths... count to ten... it'll all be over soon.
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