Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Time Out.

I had another long weekend this weekend.

I like them.

Especially when I get to go on mini road trips to mystery locations!

This weekend I was taken up to Newcastle for a lovely stay in a nice secluded hotel, lots of good food in good restaurants, some fresh air, a walk to a waterfall, a walk along the beach, lots of photographs both SLR and phone, and just a general good chillax.  It was awesome and I loved every second of it.

Sadly it was only three nights and work has speedily brought me back down to earth with a bump.  With my colleague off sick I am SWAMPED, and I'm also completing three job applications which these days doesn't just span to filling out a form (which takes long enough in itself!) but having to undergo mini training sessions and application prep work with numerous other departments for a job you might not even get an interview for! I have meetings coming out my ears.  I am trying desperately to research three different postings and complete application forms for all three whilst completing my regular duties and that of my absent colleague (for which I am untrained and largely at a loss!).

In addition to this I have a deadline FAST approaching for my next wedding topper commission so I NEED to spend a weekend doing that.  I have created a secondary twitter account for my sculpting sideline which has so far been a success.  I'm trying (and failing) to keep in contact with buddies both locally and otherwise but currently feel stretched timewise and after just two days back I think I am ready to take another holiday! Luckily, we have some bank holidays approaching and they can't come soon enough!

It's just all happening at the moment, in a good way I guess, which means time FLIES by and pretty much seems to  take your money flying out the window with it! I have two outstanding bills, a holiday to pay for and the sorry looking dregs of an emptied out bank account after a busy month of too much partying and far too much "Work Hard, Play Hard".

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