Friday, December 09, 2005

Only smarties have the answer...

It's been one of those uppy downy sort of days today... but I've noticed a pattern to today that's quite encouraging. I woke up with really bad tummy cramp so that put me in a bad mood, and spent the morning looking for jobs (as per usual) with which I got nowhere (as per usual), however the ladybug phoned me round dinner time so I enjoyed a nice salad and a good natter with her. I realised how much I miss being at home, but I also felt better for catching up with an old mate. Things took a turn for the worse again when I went to get a few things from asda for cooking my cottage pie tonight. Urgh it was busy and annoying and two people walked into me without so much as a glance or an apology, assholes. I also got pissed off by the fact that I had to buy a 70cl bottle of Baileys (can't explain why, but trust me it HAD to be 70cl) costing £9.89 when a HUUGE one litre bottle cost £9.84 ... now where's the logic in that?!? To make matters worse I got ID'd buying the damn thing! Stupid Asda. However, on returning home and rummaging through my bag to find my key- I found like twenty smarties in the bottom of my bag! In perfect condition I might add, and from last weekend!

On the sight of suprise chocolate I immediately calmed down and knew that everything was going to be okay. :-)


Paul said...

Bonus chockies?? Rock on!!

You lucky thing you. I can't even remember the last bonus fiver I found in my jacket.

I have plenty of bonus moths though 8¬S

:lauren: said...

hold up - smarties are chocolate? smarties here are faaaar from chocolate...i was reading your whole post with the taste of the wrong candy in my mouth.

Slink said...

woah- Lauren, Smarties here are kinda like M&Ms- a hard sugary outer shell and chocolate inside... I'm intrigued as to the American version now though :D??

:lauren: said...

well... i dont know what to compare them to for you... they are in little rolls the size of crayons, and there are maybe 15-20 of them in that roll... they are sweet, sort of like sweet tarts- do you know those? :) crunchy, chalky kind of...and sounding really gors the more i describe them... i can send you some, if you like. :)

but yeah... pretty much nothing beats chocolate. NOTHING.