Friday, December 30, 2005


Apologies for the lack of blogging over the last few weeks. They seem to have flown by in one big, blurry, hectic and sometimes nasty mess, but I'm still plodding on. I am now back in Brum. Niall is having to rethink a few things and grow up, whilst I am trying to do whatever it takes for me to be happy- short term and long term. But I am okay and thanks for those of you who have listened to me, helped me or hugged me in the last week or two.

Christmas was pretty quiet this year. Things were obviously going to feel different and a bit sad since I'd moved back home. The change has been a breath of fresh air and after recent events I've been revitalised and I'm feeling stronger and surer about things than I have in a long time. I've rediscovered a part of myself that seems to get buried alot, and it's nice to finally see it all again. I am essentially slink, and one thing I will ALWAYS love about myself is that I'm totally true to myself and who I am. It's take it or leave it- and it's your loss if you can't be bothered to find out more about me. I'm sexy, I'm fucken cool, I'm talented, I appreciate solidity, truth, passion, creativity, ideas, friendship and I genuinely care about people who take the time to get to know me. I'll never be a walk over, and I'll always have an opinion, I'll speak out if I feel I have to and I'll not settle for being treated wrongly either. I don't ask for anything more of people than they would expect in return, and I won't put my career on the back burner without a decent compromise. I don't think any of this is unfair or unjust, if people don't like it, don't like how I dress, act, look, they can fuck the hell off and leave me be.

Speech over. :)

For christmas I got:

A big green Lizard
Red nail varnish
Two scarves and a hat
Gloves, two bandanas, some earings and a hat from my bro in Japan
Plenty of booze
Even more chocolate and sweets
Some charms for my bracelet
A beautiful star and some Willy Wonka pencils
A Nightmare before Christmas game
A shrug
Spider Earings
A book about photography
A book full of cake recipes!
The obligatory smellies
oooh and some fortune telling fish!

Think that's just about it so I'm pretty chuffed.

My next issue is deciding wether to buy a cowboy hat with my christmas money or save it for boring self promotion work.... hrmmmmm...


Anonymous said...

Hey Slink.
Firstly, excellent speech. Got to say it was great seeing you over the christmas period you ARE 'king cool and I am pleased to know you. You take care of yourself and enjoy life. Your career WILL take off. We have to have the downs or we wont have the ups. It's all matter of Ups and Downs, contrasts and taking control. It's good to see you are. I'm always here for you, only a phonecall or email away. big hugs to you. xx

Lulu said...

Well said. ^_^

Paul said...


She's back, bigger, badder and stronger!! Well diddled Slink, and well said also!

Glad to know you are well.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Don't look on the dark spooky side! Look on the dimmed brighted side... there are still some nice people,ok? Uh... like... *looks around...* Uh... Just find some nice ppl, Slink. Nice Blog, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Hey... Funky hair drawings... that may be true but... i also do weird drawings... well almost all the time.

:lauren: said...

thats the slink i know and love!

huge hugs to you. :)

Anonymous said...

HERE HERE! and p.s yay for the big green lizard.

Ramzi said...

Since I'm late to the party (as usual) I'll sum it all up now:

Merry X-mas!
Happy New Year!
Great to have you baaaaaaack!