Monday, January 09, 2006


It's not the 9th of January already is it???! Is it.... ?! .... yeah it is....


Well I totally made myself ill on New Years Eve but fortunatly this was a good few hours after midnight. Unfortunatly however, I was extreeeeemely ill... but for that I blame Sarah B's pretty damn difficult drinking games complete with shots of Whiskey and Port for extra effect.

Today I resumed jobhunting in my new location albeit half heartedly since there was hardly anything in town, most of the shops had no stock in let alone staff, and I couldn't be bothered to walk up the giant hill to get to the lousy jobcentre. Ah well... I have been trying to email about an illustration post in London, but I keep getting delivery failure notices whenever I send! It's really frustrating. I'm really missing making stuff, and want to do soem illustration soon, just to get back into the habit. I also really want to take more photographs of stuff and start sketching people again- it'll all be good practise and I really miss doing/being and feeling creative.

I miss Niall too. I miss being an "us". His choice though.


Lulu said...

You'll find something ^_^ Hey, we should set each other projects to keep the creative brain active! What ya think?

First idea... snow. ^_^

Paul said...

Onwards and upwards Slink. Not up the hills though, they make folks legs ache.
Drinking games involving port? You are much braver than anyone could ever give you credit for!!!

Slink said...

ooh snow.. sorry I've only just seen this.. I need my art materials back but I'll probably get round to actually doing this in a few weeks :) thanks ru-isu! xx