Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sucker Punch.

Someone I trusted let me down.  Massively. 

It's partly my fault.  I'm an open person, and I tend to expect most people are honest.  Someone I considered a friend has proven that I need to be a little bit more cautious with my trust.  When the anger subsides, I mostly just feel furious at myself for trusting them. 

I am beginning to feel very drained.  Words aren't coming easily at the moment.  I have a week booked off work next week and I'm heading to Bruge with N for a while to recooperate relax for a bit. 

I'll spend the weekend sculpting, immersing myself in what I am good at, then fly away for a while. No phone. No tv. Just air and new sights.  I'm going to take my SLR and take some shots to reaquaint myself with the beauty and simplicity of taking a photograph through a lens.

I can't wait.

1 comment:

ktpland said...

can't wait to see your photos. have a lovely time & hopefully catch up soon. miss youuuu! x