Wednesday, July 13, 2005


This week I have been mostly wearing ... ... teeny tiny shorts. But only behind the safety of closed doors or away from the public in general. It's just way too hot outside.

Well, we found a flat. It's absolutely fab, small, but fab. It's furnished and the rent is just about within our budget, though the council tax in that area is higher than we expected, looks like we'll be paying about £1200 a year council tax. The deposit has been paid along with the extortionate admin costs so it's ours in August. Stupidly, we have to pay a whole months rent purely because they don't want anyone to move in before August 10th. We are in fact saving them a hell of alot of money in terms of advertising costs etc, but we have to pay them rent incase.... erm.... oh yeah just because they're greedy mofos. Anyway, we're both pleased with it. Niall will probably move in straight away, and hopefully I will follow shortly afterwards.

It's a busy week really... I've been gathering things for the grad ball etc. I think I'm bout set though I haven't packed yet for our two day trip to Uni-town. It'll be so wierd being back there, but great to see everyone one last time. We're booked in at some expensive hotel for two nights as Uni forgot to tell us that we could have stayed in halls for £25 a night. Thanks for that. But at least we'll have a decent breakfast anyway. Here's the drill:

8.30 am Drive to Uni-town
10.00 am Get my hair done
12.00 noon Meet Niall and his parents for a Barbeque (and yes it does take two hours to do my hair)
3.00 pm Niall's graduation ceremony
6.45 pm Going out for a meal with Niall and his Parents

7.30 am Get up early to have a bloody good breakfast to get our moneys worth from the expensive hotel
5.30 pm Get ready for the ball- shower etc
6.30 pm Get hair styled
7.30 pm Continue getting ready for the Grad Ball
9.00 pm Leave for the Grad Ball and get sloshed as quick as possible

Sorted. We'll have to leave for home Saturday morning so getting up after only a few hours sleep will be interesting to say the least. I'm sure there will be a few photos.

Catch you in a few days time.



Lulu said...

finally caught up with all your news... did i tell you about those relaxation techniques that that nurse guy i saw told me about? very useful, i haven't had a panick attack since... hope you had a good time at the grad ball. ^_^

ktpland said...

wow a flat eh?! and in nottingham too so you could come down to ours everyweek for rocknight, then if there are any decent gigs on in nott then we can crash at yours?! hmmm! hehe.

enjoy the grad ball! im sure youre gonna love the music selection too! dance to steps for me! :-P

love ya miss ya

:lauren: said...

you best put some pictures up! i want to see what two hours of prep time can do to your hair. ;)

love you, girl!

Saki said...

Have a wonderful time at the Ball, Slink!!!!

Coongrats on your new apartment, I'm impatiently awaiting pics of everything!