Friday, July 08, 2005

Goose Poo

I do miss my blog. I don't like that I haven't updated in ages but since coming home... nothing too interesting has happened. I've been so up and down lately. I seem to be getting confused easily and just not feeling right. That's the only way I can explain it, it just feels vague. I don't know. Anyways... In the last few days, Niall bought his first car, we've been looking around appartments in Nottingham for September and London got attacked. Very sad and scarey that last one... I was relieved to hear from my friends in London today and I'm happy to say they although shaken they are safe and well. I hate things like this; it really knocks you off balance and makes things seem bigger and scarier than they were before. But as we keep being told, that's exactly what they want. Sure that doesn't help much though. The whole thing is just a bit surreal still, and now it's even nastier because as it all really sinks in we hear more about the aftermath, the cleaning up ... and the remnants. It's just really awful. Not much more to say on it really.

As for the other things... yeah Niall is now the proud owner of a little red peugeot 306. He's particularly chuffed at the bleepy key thing. We drove to Nottingham today to look at a few appartments and man is Notty a bugger to get round! One way systems, out of date maps and the next to NO road signage do not make a very good combination, not to mention the goose poo raid we got caught up in. One minute we're sitting in traffic queue... the next SPLAT. A green one at that. Well sort of this colour. Somehow we got hit about three times in one go, on the windscreen, passenger seat door and roof. I narrowly escaped being hit through my open window, and Nialls attempt at washing the windscreen merely smeared it over a larger area. Yeah it was a nice trip. The appartments were nice... one teeeeeny with gorgeous views, in a lovely area and very nicely decorated etc, the other... larger but unfurnished, less nice area though handier for Niall and a bit grotty. A mix of the two would have been perfect, but nevermind, we're heading back on monday to look round a few others.

We drove past Uni town on the way back. I had a bit of a pang of nostalgia as we drove past the motorway junction for it. Then I saw the goose poo and remembered what Uni town smelled like most of the time... then I was okay.

I now have my shoes and dress sorted for the grad ball, but need to try and do something with my hair before it's too late. yes, must plan.

Before I go, things I need to work on/DO in the next few weeks:

  • Better ways of cheering myself up when I feel crap
  • Photographing some of my origami and posting them on here
  • Setting myself some illustration projects to keep me ticking over and to bulk up my portfolio
  • Getting my hair cut
  • Psyching myself up for the stupidly loong hours I have to work over summer ( whhhhhyyyyy did I ask for loads?!)
  • Avoiding Geese
  • Not spending money

That should tidy me over I think.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Glad to hear your friends are safe and well.

Also glad that you are posting again! :P