Monday, November 07, 2005

Noisy Lights.

Niall had never been to a proper bonfire night/ fireworks display other than at Uni, so this Saturday evening was spent standing on the spot for a veery long time, watching noisy lights in the sky. The bonfire was tad disappointing: Some poor sod had constructed this massive wooden wheel with geese on (no I have no idea why either) and the idea was that it spun round as it burnt, I should imagine so that it appeared to resemble a great big Catherine Wheel... sadly it only spun once thanks to this little man pushing it round, then it stopped ... nice in theory, maybe lacking in everything else. It was good watching it collapse into the bonfire though. I think there's a primal connection with watching fire destroy things that just appeals to us all- though I draw the line at throwing massive wooden geese on it. I think I was missing something there... unless geese played an integral part of the gun powder plot that I was unaware of! Either way, I enjoyed it actually and enjoyed it even more for the fact it was free. It did dawn on me however, that either fireworks are getting quieter or my hearing is getting worse. I'd probably say the latter, thanks to many years of loud gigs, and nights out.

aah nights out... so long ago... so many memories... Mark almost breaking his neck from headbanging, or there just being him and Niall moshing to some rubbish on the dance floor while I look on drinking my JD and coke with a welcome blend of comfort and shame, the noise, the people watching, the laughing, my feet aching, Dave breaking loads of glasses by trying to build a glass sculpture, and creating ashtray tortoises... *sigh* ... There ARE plans for a rock night venture in the pipeline so hopefully soon, the New Rocks will get a good thrashing back in Luffy. Woohoo!

Today, I have been mostly burning myself on our grill. It hurts. Alot, and for some reason I've now got a rash all around the burn. Wierd.

Sleep Update: No sleep since last sleeping tablet

1 comment:

:lauren: said...

love you :)