Sunday, November 20, 2005

rocky bouncy ouchy rock

You can always measure the greatness of a night out's playlist by how sore your body is the next day. It's taken two full days to get full neck movement back, and for my ankles to feel like they're attached again... which means that mostly the music was pretty damn good. It was pretty strange being back in Uni-ville after so long, but I think it's safe to say we had a good night. I think Niall is still in pain, no doubt from insisting on headbanging like a loon, whereas I am mostly fully recovered.

I do believe we'll have to do it all again pretty soon, I don't like not having a weekly dose of rock night, and if it comes to it, I really don't like not being a student at all... but that one's kinda inevitable I suppose.

Big thanks to ktp and rfa for inviting us over. Miss you guys. x

1 comment:

ktpland said...

missing u lots too! was ace! i think ive almost got movement back in all my joints! hehe! u better come over soon or im gonna drag u over! :-P hehe
