Monday, July 31, 2006

Sod's Law owes me a new pair of slippers.

I don't believe it. And I mean that with all the angst of Victor Meldrew I can muster.

It's been cloudy today, a bit of drizzle this morning but nothing really to moan about. Other than that it's been dry with a breeze. Breezy enough, for example to hang out the two duvet covers I've finally washed when doing the laundry today. I hung them out. And two sodding seconds later, it started to rain. Okay, I though, nevermind, it'll be a shower... and even if it isn't, the damn things can get wet and then dry off after... twenty minutes later and it's started to chuck it down. I hang on five more minutes, but no end to it in sight I go to get the washing back in. I make it to the top of the freaking staircase and to my front door when the buggering downpour stops raining. I'm soaked, my poor gromit slippers (which were already in a bit of a state) are pretty much down to a few soggy bare threads... and my washing is probably wetter than it was when it went out!!!

The slink is NOT happy.

1 comment:

Paul said...

And there I was thinking this only ever happened to me! 8¬|
Not that I own any slippers though. I should get some, I want a pair of Transformers slippers!!