Friday, May 27, 2011


Of the creative kind I might add.

Crazy stuff is happening all at once.

I've had four weeks of training courses at work since I'm moving over to a new team next month involved in the implementation of a new system. I'm not single-handedly running the show anymore so that's taken a bit of pressure off. However, loads of other stuff has moved in it's place. This is both good and bad.. but mostly good.

I am embarking on an NVQ Level 2 Certificate in Business Administration at work... pretty much because it's free and it might make it harder for Theresa May to get rid of my job next year. Bitch.

At the same time as this... I've been getting the odd enquiry from my website about model commissions. One of these has resulted in a full order which is great news... though I'm undercharging to start with. Due to this increase in interest I've put together some official documents to give the whole process a proper structure to help me feel more in control and professional. I'm also working on the idea of a new sideline website entirely devoted to my commission work. I've also spent this evening making up an order book so I can plan orders and deadlines without things overlapping and my time being mis-managed.

As a result of getting to know people at work, and showing them my website/artwork I've also received a further commission which will start immediately after completing this current one. Because I've charged less, we're in talks about a possible advertising link up with a local business. More great news!

With my creativity getting back into gear, I've been delighted to see the results of the few weeks of part time work I did at the Animation Studio last year. It just looks so awesome and I'm so happy I was a part of it, albeit a very small part.

You can view the advert *here*. Look out for my Hero Barley right at the end. :-)

As if all that wasn't enough... N and I went to see Maybeshewill in Birmingham a few weeks ago and they were jaw-droppingly good. They blew me away, and even retweeted me after the gig to my suprise... though embarrassingly I did say I was in love with them. Oops. I haven't felt this amazed by a band for years. They make me feel like Radiohead used to (and still do sometimes). I feel emotional, chills, I get lost in it... It's just incredible stuff and I can almost feel energy from it pulsing through my bloodstream when I listen to it. I feel re-awakened.

ANNNNDDDD.... STILL there's more... Download Festival is a mere week and a half away and I still haven't a clue how to put my tent up. I have that nervous excited feeling about it because it's going to be a big smack in the face of awe, amazement, nasty smells, bad food, weather, complicated hair issues and poo. SO much to get, plan, do and pack before the big day though... Think it may be time to get my list writing pen out.

Busy times my friends... but busy is good right?

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