Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm bad.

I forgot another birthday. This distresses me so much because it's something I used to be good at, and all of a sudden I'm forgetting them left right and centre. I hate it, it makes me feel selfish and mean. Yes, I've got a lot going on at the moment, setting up, moving, working, finishing work and about to embark on finding a new crappy job to pay rent/food/self promotion ... but geez.... a few dates to remember isn't asking much. :(

I am bad.

I may be moving today. The wierd thing about it though, is that I really don't know if I am or not. I think things are going to be like this for a while... kinda messy and in-between. For me, this could be a period lasting about five years while I go from meanial, crappy part time job to another to survive while I try and get noticed in the Illustration industry. I'm not good with change AT. ALL. Just can't do it. I feel ill for ages when a big change occurs. If I move to notty it's going to be so wierd for a while, so stressful and panicky, and scary. But I know it has to be done at some point.

If I do move, I won't have internet access for a while until it's sorted out. I may be in between here and notty until I decide where is best for me to look for part time work. I may find I can't afford to leave home just yet and have to stay to save money.

I'm totally in limbo here... and it sucks.

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