Thursday, March 10, 2005

Bad head.

I've had migraine problems since last night. After going to bed with a mild dull ache in my fore head, I woke up with a splitting headache concentrated on one side of my head and across the back of my eye. I usually get visual disturbances when I get migraine, but this time it just hurt. Alot. So I may be taking it easy the rest of the day, which means no rock night tonight. :( Still, think it's for the best. I probably shouldn't be sitting at the computer really. I skipped going into the studio this morning, but I'll have to pop in after lunch to discuss my next project with my tutor.

Yesterday was spent attending a full day seminar called "How to survive as an Illustrator". I came out of it with the conclusion that I actually probably won't. It was all scary stuff about taxes, self employment, negotiations and finance (thank god I did A level business studies as I'd have been even more lost about it all if I hadn't). On top of that we were told that it'll take years to get fully established so I'm not even likely to earn any proper money for many many years. It was very disheartening but it was nothing I didn't know already. I DO however have the determination to do this, or give it a bloody good shot at the very least. I'm just not sure how that determination will last after the usual endless rejections and years of waiting. On the plus side, I may never actually earn enough to pay off my student loan; on the downside that means I may not be able to actually eat. So, mix the "seminar of doom" with a healthy dose of monthly pain and bloatedness, stir in a good helping of anxiety for the future, simmer with the knowledge of being away from your loved one for as long as you can't afford to move in, and there you have it. Season with a sprinkling of migraine to taste.

Only a week and one day til my birthday. I'll be a whopping 22! I neither look nor feel 22 and refuse point blank to act it until completely necessary.

1 comment:

Lulu said...

We're adults... we now have the right to behave childishly at all times. ^_^

Cheer up hun, don't think about what's going to happen or what may happen, just think about today... and eat lots of chocolate! ^_^ xx