Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Down Down Deeper and Down...

Ah good ol' Status Quo...

And yeah it IS that bad.

I was feeling better about the whole illustration thing today. I was thinking 'yeah, it will be hard it, it will be VERY tough on the money side of things for a while but I just have to try it because it's what I want to do and I'm good at it, and if it all paid off it would be the best thing in the world '... blah blah blah. I also got my work put up on Graduate Art 2005 and my profile looks all swanky and stuff...

... then I saw my bank balance. And then it dawned on me that I'll be having this same sick feeling every time I see my statement for another x-many years!!!! It sucks starting out and already being in £10'000 worth of debt (thank you kindly Mr Blair. Pillock.).

I wish I was six again. Back then getting 50p was a bit of an occasion and saving up probably stretched to a few quid for some toy. Did you know Munchies now cost 52p?! I remember when they used to be 40p and even then they were the most overpriced chocolate bar in the shop. Boooooooooo for money or lack of, Boooooo for inflation, Booooooooooooooooo for the horrible illustration industry and being self employed, Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Watched a good film the other night called Freeze Frame. It was about a man who had been wrongly accused of murder and as a consequence had taken to filming his every move and cataloging each tape so he always has an alibi. It's really good film and you really feel for the main character, played by standup comic Lee Evans, even though in parts you're not entirely sure if he's innocent or not. It was intriguing and really pulled you into the story. Highly recommended. Since then I haven't done a great deal other than get my hair tidied up, munch through my bulk box of happy hippos, start my next project and experience a complete mental block for an important illustration competition.

Boooooooooooooooo for mental block.


Lulu said...

Had a look at your profile on Graduate Art, very cool... one little thing though... Fluff... erm... Heikki Pants?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Slink said...

hehe you guessed it... that project was about dreams so i picked my most memorable ones... hahaha x