Thursday, March 10, 2005

South Parkification

south park me and niall
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I was browsing some blogs today with the good old "next blog" button and came across this, so I pinched it to make my own south park version of myself and niall. I love them. I hope Mr Klink (whose blog I nicked it from) didn't mind me pinching it from his blog, but he does get a lovely link in return. The south park create-a-person thing can be found here.


elChrizzo said...

*I was writing a post in response to the previous (impressive) picture, that bounced because you had already edited the post*If you like Soutpark, go and see Team America, world police. it's a funny movie from the makers of Southpark about the american attitude towards managing the world. all this in a sort of Thunderbird-puppet movie, it's hilarious....

I looked at your portfolio page and I must say it's very "grown-up-art"... No just kidding, I like it, especially the mixed media part and the third picture (cd sleeve?) at the Ashborn part. And don't worry about getting 22 too much; I've been there and as long as you manage to stay irresponsible part of the time , refuse to act by the damned rules and irritate people that do, you are fine. Just keep up that Peter Pan complex for as long as you can :)

Slink said...

thanks mister... you have NOOOOOO idea how long it took me to get two pics in one post!!! I haven't seen team america yet, the absence of money's stopping me. :(

elChrizzo said...

On the topic of getting old; STOP CALLING ME MISTER.... maybe it's a brittish thing, but fuck it makes me sound old. 24 is not that old is it, please lie to me if it is :P

Never tried to get 2 pics in one post can't you just do that with the Hello software?

Slink said...

sorry... er... elchrizzo. no more misters for you... it's a matter of copy/pastting the html codes but it didn't seem to like it much. I'm not much of a pooter wizz... hence me calling them pooters.

elChrizzo said...

The easy way of posting multiple photo's in one post:

Posting multiple pictures to one blog

Q. How do I post multiple pictures to my blog at a time?

A. To publish more than one picture in a blog post, select your picture, type in your caption, and add || after your caption, then click the Publish button. There should be a message that says that your post is "queued". Continue posting the pictures and captions you wish, including the || at the end of each caption. When you have reached the final picture, just omit the ||. All pictures and captions should post as one post to your blog.


Lulu said...

Just finished your pic... awaiting your approval matey! ^_^

Slink said...

Elchrizzo - I bow to your computer wizardry.

Ru-Isu - can NOT wait :D:D:D:D

Anonymous said...

You better bow to that.. :p
my brother (elchrizzo) is the absolute savior of the evil machines called Personal Computers that are present in his old home..

there are 3 incompetent people living here(including myself), who are just breaking computers and aren't understanding their every single move, even though we made them take that move..
he always comes to the rescue :p