Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A Birthday

Well yesterday was, I think, a success. When Niall left for his 9.00 lecture, I got up to go and get some bits and bobs. When he got back I'd managed to put up a birthday banner and some balloons in the living room, then I laid out all his pressies with two big helium ballooons upstairs for him to open his pressies. After that we had a cuddle and a nap, before packing up a picnic to take to the park. It was actually really nice and sunny despite the weather forcast predicting rain, so that was a nice suprise. I had planned to have the picnic in my room if it rained but fortunatly we had the perfect picnic weather. I bought mini scotch eggs, pork pies, doritos, cucumber, cheese rolls then strawberries and cream for afters. It was really nice even if I do say so myself :) .

Back at home, we both needed to do a liiiitle bit of work, but in the evening I cooked us a meal. Now for anyone who doesn't know me... I'm a pretty useless cook. However, I wanted to make the effort so I set about making crunchy turkey steaks (turkey wrapped in a crunchy parsley and thyme stuffing) with green beans and mash. Not too extravagant but it was a big deal for me. I even bought a brand new masher especially. I'm good at mash, my mash is goooood. It went down well, though I had to cook the turkey a bit longer than I'd planned for, so I was a little bit paranoid about it not being cooked enough in the middle. Niall said it was nice though, and I actually liked it too so it was another success.

Later that evening, we (Niall, Me, Rob and Dave) went out for some celebratory drinks in a near by pub. Rfa joined us later and we had a nice evening of drinking and the odd laugh thrown in too. I even felt tipsey which was odd considering I didn't have that much to drink. I think it was because it was Jim Beam instead of my usual JD or Southern Comfort, both of which I seem to have become immune to and can no longer get drunk on. That's not a challenge, just in case any of you are hatching plans out there. When we got home, Niall had a pretty lame attempt at blowing out the candles on the spongebob squarepants birthday cake I'd bought him. It took him like three goes! Wierdo. We ate cake and watched some father ted before going to bed, where I had candles burning to create a nice atmosphere for the rest of the night. Again, it was a success. ;)

Good ol' stockings. ;)


Anonymous said...

It was a TERRIFIC success! ;)

Thank you sweetie, you are my world xxxxxx

Ramzi said...


This surely puts all my birthdays to shame...

Except for the year I got a Mickey Mouse cake. I was 8. It was good.

Slink said...

:( But the mickey mouse cake sounds good! xx