Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Yeah it's fixed. I was blogless for three whole days, but it's fixed. And through no help from blogger's help services either. Fortunatly Dave's computer wizardry reclaimed the missing html code from my blog, though we've no idea how it vanished in the first place. Then I had to re-jig my template to get it back to perfection because bits of it where doing strange things. I think we're all back to normal though. So, now I need to whizz round all my links and catch up.

In other news... I have a spot on my nose. I hardly ever get spots. I'm quite distressed about this one as it's getting bigger by the day and, as my nose is pretty hard to miss anyways, it's kinda in a bad place for noticability.

I'm sure I had something interesting to say.

1 comment:

Ramzi said...


As an insurance policy, just copy that template somewhere! We can't stand not having you on-line...

Awesome chocolate fondue sauce tree by the way!