Thursday, March 07, 2013


My neice has finally started crawling! Here she is showing off her skills- both forwards AND backwards! She is now 9 months and absorbing so much, copying actions like clapping, exploring surfaces and textures.  It looks like she's really pleased with her newly acomplished mobility.  She always puts a smile on my face. :-)

I have just finished a particularly manic week at work.  The weeks just seem to get busier and busier, and the nature of it can be stressful at times.  I realised today that I've not taken any big chunks of annual leave for about a year- choosing to have odd days here and there rather than a week at a time; I think I've suffered for it.  Whilst it's been important for me to be at work while my home life has been unstable, I wouldn't be surprised if my lack of leave has been one of the reasons for my general fatigue and many illnesses over the last few months.  To quote Bilbo Baggins " I feel thin... sort of stretched... like butter scraped over too much bread".  I always loved that quote; Tolkien was a master of similies and I think thats the only way you can use language properly to describe.  Words don't fit many things, but a similie or metaphor will paint the perfect picture.  Anyway, I digress.  I now have FOUR days off work.  Count 'em, Fri, Sat, Sun and Mon.. that's FOUR whole days.  FOUR.  Four days not having to get up at six o'clock.  FOUR days. I will sleep.

Tomorrow I plan to spend the afternoon catching up with my good mate Markuuuus as it was his birthday today- Happy Birthday Dude! We will chat and laugh, have a good grumble, eat food and have a few bevvies in a bar in Brum. The perfect way to spend a day off! Saturday I will be going to see Bastille (omgomgomg can't wait) and then Sunday is Mothers Day so I'll be off to Nottingham to see family.  Happy times!

Did I mention I have FOUR WHOLE DAYS OFF!!!!

1 comment:

Markuuus said...

Im looking forward to it as well, and after the awesomeness of today i get to see Black dahlia murder and CC tonight! yay :D