Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fed the **** Up.

You can tell the weather has turned.  I never do well in September.  It's always been a difficult month for me for many reasons, and this year is no exception.

This week I just feel Fed Up.  Thoroughly.  Fed up of people, of work, of getting screwed over, of selfish people, of people so fucking caught up in their own shit that all I want to do is tell them to shut the fuck up.  Fed up of work, fed up of my colleague being off work, fed up of being on my own, fed up of not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

I still find time to laugh every day- don't get me wrong, but I'm tired and all I want to do right now is get away.  Far away.  Somewhere safe, quiet and where I know I'm going to be okay, to just sleep a while and block it all out. Preferably in the arms of someone who genuinely gives a shit about me. 

Ugh.  That's it.

Normal slinky service will resume in 24 hours. Or maybe the weekend.

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