Monday, October 11, 2004

Psycho Shower Curtain

We have a shower the size of a very tall cardboard box. Now i'm not claustrophobic but our shower curtain is starting to freak me out. For some reason when the shower curtain is pulled across it slowly moves inwards trying to force you against the wall; sticking to your wet skin as if its trying to smother you. I just tried to outwit it by pinning down the bottom bits with some head and shoulders and mint source shower gel but it's force was too strong and yet again it tried it's best to spoil my shower and pin me against the wall. What is it's plan i wonder? Has it claimed any victims in the past? No wonder Hitchcock used one in his most famous 'Psycho' scene... He knows.

1 comment:

Ramzi said...

I used to have that happen to me and pinning the curtain down with bottles doesn't work! My friend suggested it's because of the hot steam in the shower escaping and forcing the colder air in the bathroom into the shower along with the curtain. The only thing that worked was lowering the curtain bar a little. Then the air can get in and out without forcing the curtain in. Lemme know how it goes!

P.S. Hitchcock was a genius, he'll always get to you some way or another...