Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Ooh it's turning out to be a tough week. I can tell from my craving of cocktails, which is going to be monitered over the week. Today I think on a scale of one to ten (one being-not craving cocktails, ten being- absolutely HAVE to have a pitcher NOW), I would say I'm at a 6. It doesn't help that Niall and I went into Nottingham yesterday to guage prices for flats, and he bought me a Sloth for being good. mmmmm. It was so so cold out yesterday, snowing and everything. I bought nothing but some stripey tights and some red nail varnish. Good Slink.

I've been dealing with alot of wierd emotions this week, and I can't even work out what alot of them are. My disease isn't developing at a fast enough speed for me to be properly ill, which is irritating, so I'm still kind of half ill. Apparently there's a flu epidemic on the way too, bloody virus's.

Other than that my "bugs in an office" model is complete so I'm on target for my tutorial on thursday. :)

bug model
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1 comment:

Ramzi said...
