Friday, February 25, 2005

A Happy Post... sort of

Right, I'm determined to write a happier post today and be a bit more upbeat than I have been. Trouble is, I think I'm coming down with something. I can't quite put my finger on it but my tummy doesn't feel right at all, my head's slightly fuzzy and I have no appetite whatsoever. I haven't been poorly for a while so I'm probably due something nasty.

On a lighter less disease ridden note, Niall got ANOTHER job offer yesterday. He's in big demand obviously... I mean how many students find themselves in the position of two companies trying to match salaries and benefits in order to get their ideal employee?? I am so proud of him. Though part of me laughs (nervously) at the fact that here he is with two job offers and here's me with nothing. I doubt I'll get the career in illustration I want; it's hard to get into and even harder to be successful within the industry. Nevertheless I'll try my hardest to get some work by doing a whole heap of self promoting when I graduate. Itd be nice if my part time job was related but I doubt that too. It's money though I guess. Crikey money... starting to forget what it looks like.

This still isn't particularly happy is it?... so far I've established I'm ill with no job and very tiny future prospects. Hrm. Maybe next time....


Anonymous said...

Oi! What about your Ashborn work??? Everyoone in London seemed to love your work! You'll do it babe xxx

Markuuus said...

sarah, out of anyone on our course i have the utmost faith that you will become a big name in the illustration world and i for a fact will plug ure name if asked and ill put ure link on my website as someone i recommend and ill pass ure name out to ppl i know in will do so proud to be your friend..seeya laters

Anonymous said...

Smile more! My virtual pet kitty will help. Kitty purrs, plays and meows. Type the following into the address line of your browser and press enter:


Slink said...

WOW! I really miss my cats at home now... :( but that virtual kitty is soo cute. AW that made me smile. :) Thanks salty!

Paul said...


I understand about the 'getting into an industry' thing completely.

After Uni I went for numerous interviews, got shortlisted at several places, one of which was Framestore CFC. In the end, I decided that I was never going to drop my pride and kiss some butt to get into it, so a mate from Uni and myself started our own company.

We don't really get much call for illustration work, but I'll be more than happy to pass your name and details on to anyone who asks us for such a service. If this sounds ok, drop your details along to

And yup, the post was fairly upbeat!!