Monday, February 21, 2005


I had a nightmare last night. It really messed with my head for a while. Wierdly, before I went to sleep, I felt on edge and nervous about something, like something bad was going to happen. I think it was all provoked by a photo by simon larbalestier and this film. Takashi Shimizu is a twisted wierdo for coming up with the imagery in that. I saw that film ages ago, and it's just lurked in the depths of my mind until last night. As for the photo, it's a person with stupidly long hair. So long you can't see the body or much of the face; it's eerie. I totally love that guys work and I've been a fan for some time, but I found that one picture deeply disturbing. I knew, as soon as I saw it, it'd bother me. I'm not good with strange things like that. Anyways, cutting to the short of it in the end of my dream, after trying to hide from this creature that had killed two people in the room next to mine, it finally got to me and started ripping away and scrabbling at my stomach. Someone kept shouting that it was looking for something but it was tearing my abdomen to shreads and all my bedsheets were red and bloody. I woke up at that point and could hardly move. I was really scared and everything in my room looked different and unusual. It was like being a kid again, wanting comfort. I felt disorientated and couldn't recognize what things were. Niall got into bed with me to comfort me and keep me safe, but even that scared me. His eyes seemed strange and it was changing how his face looked. It didn't help that it was five in the morning and he was tired so he kept blinking and widening his eyes to stay awake. Even with the light on I was frightened. I just had to stare at them and tell myself that they were perfectly normal, but in my head they'd blacken and widen, then roll and bulge. It really upset me because I felt terrified and unsafe. I haven't felt that scared for a long time. I had that horrible feeling you get when you're too scared to fall back to sleep, but eventually, with the tv on in the background, I drifted back to sleep at around twenty to seven.

I felt a bit silly this morning. I hate my head sometimes.

1 comment:

Ramzi said...

Thanks Slink for your comment
I'm sorry I don't read your blog as often as I did before, but it's hard to be engaged in anything these days...

Is news of this getting out to your part of the world at all?