Saturday, February 19, 2005

Yay or Nay

What a crazy week. It's been full of ups and downs. Niall got offered a job in Peterborough which he's since accepted, though it caused a few problems as neither of us want to be apart next year. We had a bit of a big fight, which was really upsetting. It's all sorted now but I'm still not sure what's going to happen really; it's inevitable that we won't see much of each other no matter where he is which is sad, but that's just the way things are. He's been looking at living in Nottingham or somewhere in between Peterborough and Brum, somewhere familiar so that should I be able to make enough money at home next year I can potentially move in. It's so strange thinking about it all... bit too serious and grown up for my liking, but again, it's inevitable and got to happen sometime. Having said that being a student is getting to me at the moment, as much as I love my mates here I'm fed up with having less than no money, living out of an overdraft and dragging out projects to fill in time. I'm torn between wanting to get out of being a student and earning some money, but not wanting to let go of the freedom that comes with few lectures/studio time, the social scene etc. Hrm.. :(

Rock night on thursday was okay, I got to wear my new boots and didn't fall over once. I was so proud. Despite not having much money it was nice to catch up with mark who I felt like I hadn't seen in ages. We left early because Dave was bored and there wasn't much happening later on in the night. I couldn't dance because I didn't want to break my legs trying to dance in my new boots. Arthur's promised an appearance next week so that'll be nice.

Other than that, this week I've started my new project properly (modelmaking is underway once again) and I managed to talk to my brother in Japan, which was nice. :)

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