Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Mutiny and Pancakes

It seems that my whole class is unhappy with their assessment results. People are disapointed with grades and with comments that were made. Also it's not only me that has a problem with a fellow class "mates" doing less but getting maximum credit. It's not a nice atmosphere there at the moment so I'm glad I don't have to be in much.

My boots didn't arrive. I contacted the man and he said "he's on the case", but I'm still thoroughly pissed off. I might threaten him again, see if I can get a discount off the boots... hehe.

Not much else to be said though I've got a new project about an insect office environment. Wierd but I like it. My reports near finished too so that's a relief, and in two days I'll be off to Wrexham to visit the ladybug. Should be good fun. :) We missed out on pancake day yesterday because we were in the pub all evening so the plan for today is to consume as many as humanly possible to make up for being a day late. mmmm pancakes...

1 comment:

Ramzi said...

You must've have PPBSS (post-pancake blog silence syndrome)... you've been too quiet!