Sunday, May 01, 2005

Weee man and Freee fest

I haven't posted in a few days, mainly due to me being busy working and consequently ruining my hands with nasty sharp wire. I really haven't been up to much else so this post's going to suck. Sorry about that.

I do, however, love this WEEE Man that's been put up on London's South Bank. It's all made up of thrown out electrical products and it's the first piece of sculpture that's really grabbed my attention for some time.

Just thought I'd share that with you.

It's bank holiday monday tomorrow, and in Uni land that means only one thing.... Freefest. For those who don't know this is a free mini-festival on campus. There's a whole days line up of bands playing, lots of drinking, nattering away in the sun/rain/snow whatever, a few small stalls selling cheap plastic jewellery, that sort of thing. In my first year it was brilliant, last year it sucked ass because it rained and was moved inside... so this year, as it's my last one here, I have my fingers crossed for a good event.

Details to follow...


Ramzi said...

WEEman is certainly... umm... different.
But love it?

elChrizzo said...

Freefest sounds nice, we don't even have a holiday here at my uni. Well, I can use the time anyways..

ktpland said...
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ktpland said...

sorry bodged up the previous one! wanted to say:
freefest! aww brings back memories of the 1st year! fun in the sun! ull av 2 come and visit me next year for it and thats an order missus! hehe
