Friday, March 03, 2006


I STOLE something today, from Ramzi's blog ... but fortunatly the theft didn't show up in my Personal DNA report which can be viewed here. Place your mouse over the coloured boxes to view the results.

I think it was relatively accurate apart from two comments;

You sometimes wish that others would be more like you—less hindered by their emotions, more respectful, and more private.


You prefer to think about things before voicing your opinion, considering a wide, diverse range of options.

Especially the last one, I'll jump right in and voice my opinion usually. Other than those though, it was a pretty good summary of me.



Paul said...

That test thing is wild. I generally take these things for a laugh, but this one got me just about bang on!!

Though your picture is a lot nicerer than mine! 8¬(

Ramzi said...

Don't know how accurate these tests are Slink, mine seems generally ok but am I really always the same person?