Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I hate crap days. Even worse are the days that squeeze as much crappness into a small space of time as possible. It's not even eleven yet and my day sucks ass.

I get up late on the only day I have to be in college early to get an appointment to see my tutor. I have to wait what seems like ages for housemates to finish in the bathroom, then leg it into college with my big basket of work. I see a magpie. I hate magpies, bastards. I get into college to find all the appointment times booked up until 2.00!!! *&?!@#!!! So with nothing to do, I face the choice of sitting on my arse in the studio or sitting on my arse in my room. Next, we have a fire drill. Then I find one of the other model makers on my course has won a place in the dimensional salon competition in New York. Without sounding like a big head, I happen to think my work's alot more original than hers. I like her work, but it's somewhat bland and none of it is contextualised. This pisses me off greatly as I've strived to do the best in my work and make it look different and interesting, then some dullard with all the creative flair of a rotting sprout comes along and wins something prestigous for playing it safe. Well fuck that. She even nicked my eyelash idea.

So now I have three hours to kill ( KILL KILL KILL) before I go in to see Andy and have him stare nonchalantly at my work, not give me a hint of opinion as to wether he likes it or not, then set me a new project to 'challenge' me.

I hope it involves poison.


Ramzi said...

Since your day has been overflowing with crap I won't try and heap more crap on it with phrases like "darkest before the dawn" and such. Instead here is a link for making voodoo dolls: (http://www.folkart.com/voodooshop/faq-dolls.htm)

Put it to good use, make me proud!

Slink said...

hey that site was cooool! cheers ramzi, yet again you're a genius!